Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Hey Guys, 

Thank you for sticking with me all this time! Things have been going really good for me. Oh man, so many changes, however, all for the best. Boy, did I miss writing though. I am hoping to pick up right where I left off but I don’t know if that is possible.  So for a update on my current writing situation…

Everland Book One- Unbound

                I am finished with the original writing of this one. I received some edits in July from a Facebook friend who spent a lot of time going through it. I am currently going through these edits and polishing this book. It truthfully still needs a lot of work towards cleaning up the ending. I was so excited to finish my first book I feel like I lost some in translation from mind to page. 

Everland Prologue- Cursed

                Ah my nemesis of a book. I am half way done with writing this book and truthfully I think the story is great and very deep. However, I lost my way on this book by writing in too much detail. I think I am going to put this book on hold for a bit.

Everland Books Two and Three- 

                These will be the direction I am going to beginning moving towards. My goal is to have all three books written before I submit my first book for publishing. The reasoning, I want to make sure that not only can I continue to write well quickly but that I can also write long term.
                Well that is where I am right now. Just working on getting things put back together. I need to revamp my website before I publish it again so for now I will just keep my blog updated. 

                I will be in need of proof readers within the next few weeks for my first book. I need people who are willing to edit and people who are just willing to read the story and let me know how it reads. If this is something you would be interested in please comment below. 

                Thanks Everyone!!

                <3 Amber

Monday, December 9, 2013

I need advice on dealing with rejection.

I need advice on dealing with rejection.

Most of my blog posts are about something I have learned along the journey of writing my book. Somethings I have figured out, mastered and now understand. However, this time I’m writing to let you know I need help. I finished my book and won NaNoWriMo for November 2013. Because I won NaNoWriMo I won a chance to submitted my book to the contest from I have done everything I could to give me the best chance at winning a top ten spot. I submitted my manuscript last night.

Was it enough? I don’t know yet. Truthfully, mathematically the chance of being chosen is slim. It's very rare, almost impossible, for a new author to get the first publishing deal they submit to. I need to prepare myself for rejection. But how?

I spent all this time telling myself I could win. How do I prepare for the chance of not winning? I know I'm full of questions today.

Anyone have any advice? Maybe you have gone though something like this. I need to learn how to pick myself up after a rejection and try again, and again.Stop by my Facebook and let me know.

<3 Amber

Monday, December 2, 2013

Winning Was Worth Every Hair I Pulled Out

I truthfully don’t know how, by the end I was just typing like a mad woman. It wasn't easy, in fact it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. However, I can say “I did it! I finished NanoWriMo and won!”

I would say the hardest part of writing had nothing to do with writing at all. Self confidence played a large role and was a constant battle for me. There was many times I would stop writing and think to myself “What are you doing? Writing a book? You cant even spell the word Grammar with out spell check.”

It would have been so easy to allow myself to slip into that mindset. The mindset that failing was an option. I refused , fought back and I won! Here in December I stand a winner, against both NanoWriMo and myself.

Do I have any advise for people trying to write a book? Yes. Don't ever quit. If it takes you two years it takes you two years. Just don’t ever give into the dark side.

After the excitement of winning wore off, “Now what?” was the the next thing that crossed my mind. I have to have it fully edited by the 8th of December to qualify for the contest. If I win that it should be smooth sailing going forward. If not then I will begin to look for a publisher. I have also spent a lot of time looking into self publishing.

For now I am taking it one step at a time. I have a few friends (Kayla, Jessica, and Stephanie) who are helping me edit and get everything done on time. I will keep you updated on what happens with the contest. 

The last thing I wanted to do, was to thank everyone who has helped me along the way. Even if all you did was like my Facebook Page it meant the world to me!!

<3 Amber

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Black Friday Week

Dear Friends and Family...

I know a lot of you are busy with the holidays but I have a big favor to ask...

If you plan on buying anything from Amazon this week can you please click this link below and then click the ad in the box first.

This will give me credit as your referrer and I can earn up to 10% of your purchase.

Thank you so much!! :)


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Is This The Writer's Block Apocalypse?

Writer's block Apocalypse?
 I can go into the entire explanation and diagnosis of writers block (like this) but then this blog would sound more like a school essay, so instead lets focus on my personal situation.
For the first 19 days of NaNoWriMo I wrote at least 1200 words a day.
Almost Everyday.

However, the past two days?
11 words. That’s it. Eleven.
See why I think I caught writers block!!

I'm at the end of day two post contamination. Here is the details.

Patient Zero's Symptoms:

Is not able to sit down and write.
Stay's busy cooking. (this is not normal behavior for patient Zero)
Feeling of guilt when looking at the computer/notebooks.
Fear of the pen. 
Final Diagnoses:

Block Of The Writer.... (Uh Oh!!)

Patients reaction:

Noooo! This can't be happening to me. Is it fatal? Is this the end of Everland? Is there a cure???

Doctor's Answer:

According to all research done on the block of the writer, patient zero must find her own cure.

Options that might work, Reading, movies, talking out loud, brainstorming, rest. 

That's it. That's all there is to it. Let's hope I can find my own cure.

<3 Amber (Patient Zero)


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Experience Is Something You Get Just After You Need It.

So the good new I have to share with you is I reached 25,000 words last night! That's my half way point! However, I learned a few good but hard lesson's as a beginner writer yesterday.

First, you do not have to be an editor to be a writer, They are two completely different jobs.

Good grammar and spelling (two things I don’t have) are helpful to a writer, but a writer is not dependent on them. I believe even the best writers need someone to edit for them.

However there are some pieces of knowledge that are helpful to have when writing. Being as I only became a writer 15 days ago now I have been doing a learn as you go approach. Because of this I learned a some hard lessons yesterday.

It all began when I started to notice I kept switching between the words “said” verses “says”. Example in some cases I would use the sentence

The boy said “Let's go.”

Or sometimes I would use

The boy says “Let's go.”

After researching and looking through some of my favorite authors who also wrote in third person (J.K Rowling) I learned I should have been using “said” all along. They mean two completely different things. You can learn more about this from this link here.

As I ran through my novel to fix all of my “says” to “said” however I noticed some of my sentences no longer made sense.
The boy stands up and says “Lets go!”

Was becoming...

The boy stands up and said “Let's go!” (doesn’t make sense)

I learned it should have been...

The boy stood up and said “Let's go!” (all past tense)

When you are writing in third person point of view and you're narrating a story that happened in the past you need to stay in the past tense.

For all those non writing friends of mine this meant I had to completely read through 25,000 words and fix three out of every five words.

It has been been a lot of work fixing everything! But now when reading a part of my book it makes better sense and sounds a million times better.

Anyone else going through anything like this? I would love to hear. Feel free to comment on Facebook! 

Amber <3